To Start your own blog, you should know your own capability on which thing you are expert to write blogs, like for example you are a artist, you can write blogs about how to start drawing and tips for better learning.
1. Find your niche
Niche is a part of your own passion on which you have specialization. So the first thing is to know about yourself.
2. Choose a Platform or Create Own
In the beginning of your blogging carrier i would recommend to use a blogging platform because it take all the responsibilities on itself like hosting, Domain, Database, CMS(Content Management System), SSL, SEO, These all things are automatically managed by the blogging platform.
These are many platforms for start your blogging carrier from, but i would prefer you to use blogger or WordPress they are very old competitions in the blogging platform market, Blogger is powered by google, if you prefer to use Google’s service you can go with blogger of if you prefer more professional and customizable blog then you can go with WordPress
Or you can create your own blog with writing code such as HTML, CSS, Js, NextJs, bootstrap, tailwindcss and contentful and many more services. You can choose to build a blogging website on your own when you want full administration in your work.
3. Start writing your blog
Now after setting up on blogging platform you can start blogging now, The most important thing to note is you don’t have to expect 1000’s of views in 1 day that’s very difficult for a new blog but the key to success is you don’t quit. If you quit in the early stage you are not going to be successful, Be consistent and prefer quality over quantity.
4. Tips for Writing better Blogs
First, don’t write very long blogs because it will decrease the quality of your content.
Second, Keep your work consistent and prefer quality over quantity
Third, Upload daily, that’s the most important point that beginners leave but the important thing is you have to upload at least 40-50 blogs in your first month then you will have a little strong starting base in you blog.
Fourth, Most important tips, Don’t think more about SEO, yes you heard right don’t waste your time in SEO, this is important to SEO your site but not for the beginner, Suppose if you don’t have blogs in your website but your SEO your site then how can it be ranked in the search engine when your site doesn’t have much traffic.
“The only limit is the extent of your imagination.” – Jayla H.