Basic Errors and Syntax Problems which Beginners face when starting programming journey

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1. Basic Errors: What is the difference between a variable and a constant?

The only difference between a variable and constant is, we can change the value of a variable at execution but we cannot change a constant’s value at execution. Understanding these basic errors can help beginners avoid common pitfalls.

For Example: If you initialized a variable with number 10 but you want that the number should be changed according to the user input, then you will use a variable. Recognizing these basic errors is crucial for smooth programming.

And if you initialized a constant then the value cannot be changed at execution the value will be fixed until you make changes to the code.

// Javascript

let a = 10;
const b = 10;

a = 20 // ✅ Will be executed successfully
b = 20 // ❌ It will give error because it is initialized with 10

Copy the above code to try yourself.

2. How do you initialize a variable in your chosen programming language?

Initializing a variable is the most basic thing in a programming language, It is nothing but allotting a value to a variable. These are some Examples of some programming language for initializing variables.

variable1 = 10
variable2 = "Hello"

let variable1 = 10;
let variable2 = "Hello";

C Language
int variable1 = 10;
char variable2[10] = "Hello"; // Using char because C doesn't support dynamic programming

int variable1 = 10;
String variable2 = "Hello";

Above are some examples on how to initialize variables in different programming languages.

3. What happens if you forget a semicolon (in languages that require it, like C, Java or JavaScript)?

There are some languages which needs semicolon in the end of line such as C, Java, JavaScript.

Semicolon is nothing but a symbol which defines A line ends here, If you forget to add semicolon in the end of line then compiler will be confused from where to where this line exists.

For Example:

C Language

int a = 10;
int b = 20 // Not adding semicolon here

if (b>a){
    printf("B is greater");}

This program will give you a error because compiler will get confused that b’s value is 20 or the whole code after 20. So that is what happens when you forget to add semicolon.

4. What is Indentation, and why is it important in Python?

Python is the simplest programming language in the world but the error which come in python is most of the time is Indentation error.

Because python does not use semicolon so it uses indentation to identify the blocks.

For Example:

def function1():
print("This will give Error")

def function2():
    print("This will not give Error")

In Above code there are two functions one is function1 and another is function2, the function1 will give error because python could not understand what’s inside the function because the print statement is written outside the function.

So this is important to give indentation in the block which you want to be inside the other block.

Basic Errors showed in the image written as Error

Understanding syntax and avoiding basic errors is essential for efficient coding. These errors, often caused by typos, missing punctuation, or incorrect indentation, can disrupt program execution. Debugging and careful code review help identify and fix basic errors before they become major issues. Consistently following best practices, such as using meaningful variable names and proper indentation, reduces the likelihood of basic errors. Additionally, learning from mistakes and improving problem-solving skills enhances coding efficiency. With continuous practice and attention to detail, developers can minimize basic errors, leading to cleaner, more reliable code and a smoother programming experience. Thanks for reading my article if you liked it please don’t forget to comment your feedback below in the comment section.

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