Only 50%+ Programming is Needed to be able to Make Websites and Apps

A sleek office desk setup featuring Apple devices: iMac, MacBook, and iPad.

If you are one who is searching how much programming is needed to be able to make websites and apps then you are at the best place. Hi, I am Abhinav and I have 5+ Years of Experience about programming and web development.

I started my Programming journey 5 years ago, I started Initially with Python as my first programming language, As much as I know python is the simplest programming language all over the world. It includes various libraries which helps in writing difficult programs easily.

From my personal Experience I would say you have to learn only 60-70% of any programming language, Learning 100% of a programming language is never a good choice, So I would recommend you to learn 60-70% of a programming language which you prefer, I am not forcing you to learn python only it is just an example, You can choose any programming language you want.

Roadmap to Learn Programming

Detailed view of HTML and CSS code on a dark screen, representing modern web development.

Lets go further with the example of python and you can understand it with your preferred language, So first learn about basic topics like Variables, Constants, Data Types then move towards intermediate topics User Input, User interaction, Loops, Functions and after that you should move to advance level like recursion, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Constructor, Destructor, and then after learning these things, now you have enough knowledge to write valuable programs using programming language.

These are some Python Programs you can try to test your logic building and programming skills, These are 5 questions starting from basic to advance, If you answered 3+ correct answers then only you are eligible for making valuable programs, because these programs will test your skills you have learnt till now.

Programming Logic Building Programs

Female programmer programming working on cybersecurity projects at home, typing code on dual monitors.
  1. Simple Calculator (Easy): Easy Program you can make using arithmetic operations like (+, -, *, /) and taking input from user.
  2. Palindrome check (Beginner): Palindrome is a string which gives same spelling whether it is read from left to right or right to left like for example, racecar (its normal and reverse spelling is same). Hint: you can use slicing [::-1] or loop.
  3. Tic-Tac-Toe (Intermediate): use 3×3 array to represent board and implement game logic with conditions and loops.
  4. Web Scraper (Advance): Use modules for scraping data from web pages. for python you can use requests and beautiful soup.
  5. AI ChatBot (Expert): Use NLP techniques or pretrained models like transformers or GPT model from openAI.

If you can solve 3+ questions above then this is a sign that you have enough knowledge to start building websites and valuable programs.

Web Development Practice Programs

A sleek office desk setup shows some preview of websites and design. which shows web development environment with imac, macbook, ipad.

Here are five general web development programs organized from easy to advanced level, along with hints for each:

  1. Simple HTML Page (Easy): Create a basic HTML page that displays a heading, a paragraph, and an image.

    Hint: Use <h1>, <p>, and <img> tags to structure your page.
  2. Responsive Navigation Bar (Beginner): Build a responsive navigation bar using HTML and CSS that collapses on smaller screens.

    Hint: Use media queries in your CSS to adjust the layout based on the viewport size.
  3. To-Do List App (Intermediate): Develop a simple to-do list application with JavaScript that allows users to add, delete, and mark tasks as completed.

    Hint: Utilize local storage to save tasks so they persist across page reloads.
  4. Weather App (Advance): Create a weather application that fetches data from a weather API and displays the current weather for a user-specified location.

    Hint: Use the fetch function to get data from the API, and make sure to style your app for a better user experience.
  5. Single Page Application (SPA) (Expert): Build a single-page application using a framework like React or Vue.js that dynamically updates content without refreshing the page.

    Hint: Learn about component-based architecture and routing to manage different views within your application.

These projects will help you build a solid foundation and boost your web development skills progressively.

I hope I explained well about the topic and if you have any query related to the post you can comment below and you will get a reply for your query and if you are overwhelm with the post you can share it with your friends and Thanks for Reading my Blog and thanks for supporting.

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