Skills to Learn in 2025 | Functional Skills | AI | Problem Solving | Web developement | App Development | Frameworks | React | NextJs | Limitation is opportunity | Limitation of AI | DexterityCoder

In my opinion skills which can help you get highest package in startups as well as Multinational companies like google, microsoft, amazon, etc.

Skills are not which you have to learn but the practical analysis on an subject is more important than to only learn about basics and theories and Thesis.

These are some skills which can help you getting best version of you and settle down with your carrier:-

1. Problem Solving

Problem solving is a skill which have very high demand in any industry and problem solving states that how you can deal with a problem in the production or deployment.

Problem solving skills can only be achieved by practice and practice.

2. Web Development and Frameworks

Web development has the highest growing demand in todays generation, there are many starting startups and shifting towards to online market and online workspace. Every single business man either small businessman or high scale businessman shifting to online market and which needs websites and SPA (Single page applications) which needs good understanding in web-development.

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Frameworks are performing very well in making websites and SPA (Single page applications) faster than before, it gives a good opportunity to learn this in this days. Some Examples of framework you have to learn before its too late, for e.g., React, NextJS, etc.

3. App development

App development is directly proportional to web development demand because app and websites works same for a business, if a business needs website then it also needs app because some apps are not supported in PCs that’s why app development and webdevelopment both are important.

These features gives android development a good choice in 2025.

4. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the most common word you probably have heard about most in 2024. But the truth is AI industry is increase with the speed of light and it will be everywhere in the industry, but the drawback and limitation of Artificial intelligence is the opportunity for every industrialist.

Because, AI is a machine which needs humans for its management and one more limitation in AI is it lacks creativity in work which can only achieved by humans.

These are some skills to learn in 2025, which can help you get jobs and starting your own businesses in 2025 and help you being good personality. Thanks for reading my blog, See you next time.

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